2023/ 2024 SEASON
The Martyrsford genetics will be on offer at the following sales:

2019/ 2020 SEASON

Jansenville Veld Ram Sale - 19 Jan 2019
Breeders and producers from all over came to the Jansenville Veldram Sale yesterday to bid on top quality Angora genetics.
Karoo Angoras bought the top Angora goat ram of the day from Martyrsford Angoras’ stock at R36 000.
Martyrsford also had a flock of exceptional ewes on display, with the first selection selling for R1450 per ewe.
Average prices for the day:
Stud Rams: R18 200
Select Flock Rams: R9 200
Flock Rams: R5 100

Graaff-Reinet Angora Ram Sale - 22 Nov 2020
A large selection of top quality rams were on display at the Graaff-Reinet Angora Ram Sale yesterday.
Sean Hobson (Martyrsford) bought the top stud ram of the day from Jordi van Hasselt (Van Hasselt Farming) for R20 000, while the average prices of the wider selection of rams showed strong competition among the best breeders.
Average prices:
Stud rams: R16 300
Select flock rams: R12 000
Flock rams: R5 900

Newlands Angora Ram Sale - 19 Nov 2019
Despite the extended drought the Angora Ram Breeders' Society still manages to ensure exceptional genetics for the South African Mohair Industry.
Yesterday the breeders' passion for their animals could be seen in the quality of rams on display at the Newlands and Guest Sellers Ram Sale in Aberdeen.
Host Roelfie van der Merwe sold a stud ram for the highest price of the day to Sean & Julie Hobson, of Martyrsford, for R31 000.
The average prices of the day:
Stud Rams: R20 500
Select Flock Rams: R8 100
Flock Rams: R4 600